Riding the NYC subway everyday (sometimes several times daily) I encounter some of the most bizarre and interesting happenings. While waiting on the subway at popular stations, I hear tremendously talented singers and musicians. Really! I don't think I've ever been forced to listen to someone who put me though hell while waiting on the train. There are families singing in unison, reggae groups, a cappella jazz and opera singers, and truly great bands singing and playing their hearts out for tips. Its almost as if there is a booking agent down there that keeps out the rif raf fake talent. While on the subway, every now and then, I am entertained by a group of young friends that dance on their head, do back flips in an area of two feet between passengers, and play bongos. Do you realize how athletic one has to be to do that on a crowded, rowing subway? Very. It's illegal to panhandle on the trains which is should be for those just going through to beg, but these youngsters are skilled and making a few bucks in an honest way. I respect them.
Most New Yorkers have become oblivious to these fantastic flairs that grace them on their daily commute, but I remain thankful for it and it always brings a smile to my face. As many of you know, I LOVE to people watch. My mother would tell you that I stare, but I prefer call it people watch. I can't think of a better place to observe big, small, dirty, freaky, demented, studious, lost, and busy people that inhabit and visit this great city than on the New York City subway.