There are many times in life when you find yourself at a crossroads. Funny how these crossroads approach at the damnedest times. You can go left or right. Neither road indicates the final destination and there’s a 50/50 chance one could lead to ultimate bliss or ultimate hell. How do you choose? Can you turn around if you’ve chosen the wrong path? Just choose the road to follow your heart…and here’s why:
You and I can seek out all the advice in the world, from both younger advisors who probably have never been in your shoes but will help you out with what “seems” most logical, and more mature advisors who can help with stories of the tried and true. However, the situation is yours. It’s YOU that will deal with the final resting place of that decision and while its smart to take into consideration all of these suggestions, you gotta be willing to go against the grain if that’s what your intuition is urging you to do. I don’t know about you, but I have found myself in a position (and more than a few times) where it’s a battle of Brain vs. Heart. The Brain is the player of logic and reason. The Heart is the player of passion and feeling. I don’t know where the saying originated, but we've often been told when trying to make a tough decision to “follow your heart”. Regardless of its origination, I choose to believe that the Heart won’t steer you wrong. While the Brain he seems to have more common sense, he fails to recognize empathy and emotion. Being that we’re human, those factors just can’t be dismissed.
I decided to get a penny for my thoughts on this today, because I’ve found myself at a fork in the road. The odds are stacked against me, but something deep inside is telling me that I’ve come to the right conclusion. Out of all of this, I’ve found the strength to move forward and the confidence in myself to back it up.
Nevermind the nay-say’ers group. Believe in yourself and then others will follow.