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Friday, April 2, 2010

I came home on Wednesday to find a Fed Ex package with my name on it. It was from a ‘Phil Biacct’ in PA…no clue who that is. I wasn’t expecting a package and of course, I was cautious in opening it. Anthrax? An early April Fools stunt? After slowly opening the box and peering in to spot the contents, I was shocked to find a brand new digital camera! Who in the hell was this from?! Well, in the bottom of the box was a small note on Bloomingdale’s letterhead that read, “Congratulations on winning Bloomingdale’s Smile Photo Contest! Enclosed you will find one (1) FUJI FILM Z270 Digital Camera. Enjoy!”

Holy cannoli! What a FABULOUS surprise. About a month ago, I was online and saw an advertisement to win a camera by submitting a photo of myself smiling with someone or something that made me happy. So I did…and won! Precious Zoey who is back in Missouri gets 60% of the credit though because she’s in it!

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