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Monday, December 6, 2010


What a wonderful weekend I had!
Friday night was filled with fun, friends, F’s 30th birthday party, ear-splitting music, and free flowing booze.
Saturday entailed relaxation, spending time with nature, visiting with my (not mine but the animal in general) beloved horses, indoor swimming/tennis, and having super enlightening conversations with one of the most incredibly successful financiers and notable philanthropists, George Soros at his estate in Westchester County. Mr. Soros’s political views, for the most part, differ from mine; but I’ve come to realize that while I have my beliefs, they are better demonstrated when I actually listen carefully to those who have opposite perspectives. I have been guilty of finding more pleasure in conversations with those who are like-minded to my viewpoint because we could fire back and forth about how right we are and how wrong they are. However, it also made me ignorant to the other side’s point and therefore making me less able to competently debate my side. So, I didn’t do a lot of talking for once. I did do a lot of listening. Mr. Soros is a brilliant man. He’s 80 years old and is an avid tennis player and his mind is as sharp as they come. While there has been a bout of recent controversy regarding his philanthropy in the middle east vs. Israel, it would be unfair to say he has ill-intentions. Stepping back and looking at the big picture, I can see both sides. Being that I don’t fancy political warfare, I’ll just leave that…at that.

Sunday was low-key as I prefer my Sundays to be. I spent most of the day throwing out worthless papers I’d accumulated over the years, brainstorming decorating ideas for my apartment, and grabbing some grub in my new hood with Greerface.
I’d say that’s a good weekend…indeed.