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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sharing is caring...

I found this poem I wrote not too long after moving to the city, snagging a position that I thought would be fantastic only to learn it was an illegal chop shop in which the owner and some partners were arrested by the FBI (2 months after my employment). I had just moved into a new place and was scared out of my wits to lose a job so instantly in a less than stellar job market.

I thought I'd share because I wrote it randomly. It was exactly how I felt. I remember scribbling it down in minutes. It was nice to find yesterday though because it was a short and blatant reminder that was goes down, must come up.

I am sliding down an invisible trench
Frantically fighting my way up the slippery walls
My soul is drowning
My strength wont give up, wants to stay up
I can't see the light at the end of the imperceptible tunnel
But my heart is telling me it is there
I will fight
Knowing that my heart is always right in the end

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