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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Let's all be perdy.

Even though my blog reads “and this is why”, here’s some “this is how” for ya.  My friends that know me well, know that I am rather inventive when it comes to beauty tricks. I don’t know, it just comes to me! Along the road of beauty blunders, I’m going to share with you my quirky list of discoveries that have helped me find aesthetic satisfaction. Take a deep breath! Here is goes:

1.)                 Ever have a pesky acne prone area or your face (like blackheads or clogged pores on in the T-zone)? Do this. Steam your face over a sink of hot water for a couple minutes to open up the pores. Next, gently purge your pores using a tissue on your fingers to prevent oils from being pushed down into facial pores (not recommended if you have long nails). Then, clean the area with rubbing alcohol and apply hydrogen peroxide as a toner. WARNING, don’t do this the night before a big event or date. The hydrogen peroxide sometimes brings out the muck that’s even further down, bringing up some whiteheads. This is a good thing. The pores are being zapped of congested pores, which makes them appear smaller! Always finish off with a thick yet light moisturizer.
In addition, use hydrogen peroxide as a toner on your skin 3-4 times a week after showering to keep your pores lookin’ nice. Also, if you have an infected pimple you’ve been picking at, stop picking at it and douse it in hydrogen peroxide. The pimple will not win. And again, always moisturize!

2.)                 This one is not recommended for daily use, but it sure is a good one. Have something big going on and want your skin to have supermodel status? Well, you know that Sally Hansen flawless legs spray (bought at Duane Reade or Walgreens)? It makes you look as if you have panty hose on. Use it on your face as makeup. First, cover your hair, hold the can about 10” from your face, and airbrush. Its awesome. Everyday use is too brutal on the pores because the spray really adheres to the skin. But every now and then, yes. Just use a good exfoliater when you take it off. You’ll love this one!

3.)                 Bio-Oil. $14.95 for about 7 oz. is not cheap, but use it under your eyes and on pigmentation problem spots every night. Its super hydrating and wont clog your pores as baby oil would. I foresee this will be a staple in my regime for life. Love it.  Its supposed to also be great for stretch marks and scars but I haven’t been using it long enough to give you feedback on the results. I’ll keep you posted.

4.)                  Not to brag, but I often am told how soft my skin is. Ok, that’s bragging. But it is! This one comes from my momma. Everyday, when you get out of the shower, only “dab” off with a towel. Careful to leave some dampness on your body. Next, massage baby oil in all over. Its magical for the skin!

5.)                 You know that, “I just left the beach hair” look? It’s so sexy! I discovered it because nearly all texturizers I bought weighed down my fine hair….my fine hair that was in need of some texture. What’s a girl to do? After a day at the beach, I loved the way my hair felt and stayed in place. It had to have been the salt! So, get an empty spray bottle, some sea salt, and plain ole’ tap water. I use about 2 tablespoons of salt and 12 oz of water. Spray in wet hair and air or blow dry. F’ing genius. 

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