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Monday, February 14, 2011


"Life is short. So break all the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret something that once made you smile." 

Don't you love how this encompasses so much with so little words? I would not be going out on a limb to say that I haven't lived my life unafraid to explore the road less traveled and being a rule breaker has been instilled in me since toddler'hood. I'd also say that I am quick to forgive. I might have to attribute that to being a Sagittarius though. We Sagi's simply don't have the patience to brew in vengeance (we will get mad when our feelings are hurt or neglected, but it’s short-lived as we think of all the things that are more fun to think about). Hmmm, slow kisser? Depends on the situation. I do love truly, but not without barriers…probably one to work on. I love to laugh uncontrollably and it needs to happen more often. Last, I’ll need to work on not having regret for something that once made me smile. I will say I don’t dwell on things I wish didn’t exist even though they once made me happy. I just wish I could make a few revisions to that experience!

In closing, here’s a good one I came across yesterday. For me, this is encouraging:

“Don’t be afraid to give up something good, and go for something great.”

I love all things that are great! Obviously I love great quotes. 

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